Re: How to define trust relationship between containers?

From: <>
Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2008 14:08:09 PDT

> I'm not sure it JSR289 does address what I'm looking
> for...

the jsr 289 trust config features are not available yet.

> let's say we have this scenario:
> client -> container1 -> container2
> client authenticates against container1
> client calls EJB1 in container1
> EJB1 calls EJB2 in container2 using client identity,
> not container1 identity
> if I relay on mutual SSL the call EJB1-EJB2 will use
> contianer1-certs not client-cert and therefore be
> executed using the identity from contianer1, not the
> client.
> or am I missing something?

the use case you describe was defined by the csiv2 protocol especially for use for ejb invocations. you can see the details in chapter 10 of

you can see the specific use case detailed in the sample in section 10.7.3

The protocol supports the evaluation of identity assertions made over a mutually authenticated transport.

if you haven't done so already, you might find some of the details presented in the secure interop chapter of the corbas spec informative.


Table 10.4 - TSS Interpretation of Client Credentials After Validation
Table 10.18- Interpretation of Compound Mechanism Association Options
(especially rows 7 and 11 of table 10.18)

there is a chance that you will encounter a problem if you try to set up this scenario, but if you follow the suggested configuration, the caller identity should be propagated through to the end container. I


> Christian
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