JavaMail converts UTF-8 chars to question marks

From: <>
Date: Tue, 03 Jun 2008 23:49:12 PDT


I'm working with glassfish-v2ur1-b09. I'm using JavaMail to send emails (UTF-8 encoded) from my application. Since recently everything worked just fine, but now every UTF character in my emails is represented by a single '?'. I know this is how such characters are displayed in consoles with no UTF-8 support but this is not the case. Here's the method I use to send an email:

    public static final String  DEFAULT_ENCODING              = "UTF-8";
    public void sendEmail(final Address from, final Address[] to, final Address[] bcc, final Address[] cc, final Address[] replyTo, final String subject,
            final String message, final EmailAttachment[] attachments, final boolean asHtml) throws SystemException {
        log.finest("sendEmail - start");
        log.finest(": from = " + from);
        log.finest(": to = " + to);
        log.finest(": bcc = " + bcc);
        log.finest(": cc = " + cc);
        log.finest(": replyTo = " + replyTo);
        log.finest(": subject = " + subject);
        log.finest(": message length = " + message.length());
        log.finest(": attachments = " + attachments);
        try {
            // create session
            final Session session = Session.getInstance(this.props, new SMTPAuthenticator());
            // create a message
            final MimeMessage mimeMessage = new MimeMessage(session);
            mimeMessage.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, to);
            mimeMessage.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.BCC, bcc);
            mimeMessage.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.CC, cc);
            mimeMessage.setSubject(subject, DEFAULT_ENCODING);
            mimeMessage.setSentDate(new Date());
            // create message part
            MimeBodyPart messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
            if (asHtml) {
                messageBodyPart.setContent(message, "text/html; charset=" + DEFAULT_ENCODING);
            } else {
                final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("{");
                for (char c : message.toCharArray()) {
                    sb.append((int) c);
                    sb.append(", ");
      ": message = " + sb.toString());
                messageBodyPart.setText(message, DEFAULT_ENCODING);
            final Multipart multipart = new MimeMultipart();
            // create attachments parts
            if (attachments != null) {
                for (final EmailAttachment attachment : attachments) {
                    messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
                    messageBodyPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(attachment));
            // add the Multipart to the message
            log.finest(": part Content-Transfer-Encoding = " + messageBodyPart.getHeader("Content-Transfer-Encoding", ";"));
            // send the message
        } catch (final AddressException ex) {
            throw new InvalidEmailException("000603", ex.getRef());
        } catch (final MessagingException ex) {
            throw new SystemException("000324", ex);
        log.finest("sendEmail - end");
As you can see just before invoking messageBodyPart.setText( ) method I'm logging the message character codes and they are ok. Ufortunately the message is sent with question marks instead.
This is an example message I sent:
message = {'K'=75, 'a'=97, 't'=116, 'e'=101, 'g'=103, 'o'=111, 'r'=114, 'i'=105, 'a'=97, ':'=58, ' '=32, 'p'=112, 'y'=121, 't'=116, 'a'=97, 'n'=110, 'i'=105, 'e'=101, ' '=32, 'l'=108, 'u'=117, 'b'=98, ' '=32, 'u'=117, 'w'=119, 'a'=97, 'g'=103, 'a'=97, '
'=10, 'I'=73, 'm'=109, 'i'=105, '?'=281, ' '=32, 'i'=105, ' '=32, 'n'=110, 'a'=97, 'z'=122, 'w'=119, 'i'=105, 's'=115, 'k'=107, 'o'=111, ' '=32, 'u'=117, '?'=380, 'y'=121, 't'=116, 'k'=107, 'o'=111, 'w'=119, 'n'=110, 'i'=105, 'k'=107, 'a'=97, ':'=58, ' '=32, 'O'=79, 'l'=108, 'a'=97, 'f'=102, ' '=32, 'T'=84, 'o'=111, 'm'=109, 'c'=99, 'z'=122, 'a'=97, 'k'=107, '
'=10, 'A'=65, 'd'=100, 'r'=114, 'e'=101, 's'=115, ' '=32, 'I'=73, 'P'=80, ':'=58, ' '=32, '1'=49, '5'=53, '3'=51, '.'=46, '1'=49, '9'=57, '.'=46, '1'=49, '2'=50, '8'=56, '.'=46, '2'=50, '3'=51, '4'=52, ' '=32, '('=40, '1'=49, '5'=53, '3'=51, '.'=46, '1'=49, '9'=57, '.'=46, '1'=49, '2'=50, '8'=56, '.'=46, '2'=50, '3'=51, '4'=52, ')'=41, '
'=10, 'U'=85, 's'=115, 'e'=101, 'r'=114, ' '=32, 'a'=97, 'g'=103, 'e'=101, 'n'=110, 't'=116, ':'=58, ' '=32, 'M'=77, 'o'=111, 'z'=122, 'i'=105, 'l'=108, 'l'=108, 'a'=97, '/'=47, '5'=53, '.'=46, '0'=48, ' '=32, '('=40, 'X'=88, '1'=49, '1'=49, ';'=59, ' '=32, 'U'=85, ';'=59, ' '=32, 'L'=76, 'i'=105, 'n'=110, 'u'=117, 'x'=120, ' '=32, 'i'=105, '6'=54, '8'=56, '6'=54, ';'=59, ' '=32, 'p'=112, 'l'=108, ';'=59, ' '=32, 'r'=114, 'v'=118, ':'=58, '1'=49, '.'=46, '8'=56, '.'=46, '1'=49, '.'=46, '1'=49, '4'=52, ')'=41, ' '=32, 'G'=71, 'e'=101, 'c'=99, 'k'=107, 'o'=111, '/'=47, '2'=50, '0'=48, '0'=48, '8'=56, '0'=48, '4'=52, '2'=50, '8'=56, ' '=32, 'F'=70, 'i'=105, 'r'=114, 'e'=101, 'f'=102, 'o'=111, 'x'=120, '/'=47, '2'=50, '.'=46, '0'=48, '.'=46, '0'=48, '.'=46, '1'=49, '4'=52, '
'=10, '
'=10, 'T'=84, 'r'=114, 'e'=101, '?'=347, '?'=263, ' '=32, 'w'=119, 'i'=105, 'a'=97, 'd'=100, 'o'=111, 'm'=109, 'o'=111, '?'=347, '?'=263, 'i'=105, ':'=58, ' '=32, '
'=10, 'T'=84, 'e'=101, 's'=115, 't'=116, ' '=32, '['=91, '?'=379, '?'=211, '?'=321, '?'=262, ']'=93, ' '=32, 'T'=84, 'e'=101, 's'=115, 't'=116, '
'=10, }
Although the characters look like question marks here their codes are correct. When I receive this email, save it on disk and then read it again to check character codes i actually get code 63 (question mark) where UTF-8 characters are supposed to be.
This is the body of the messge part:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Kategoria: pytanie lub uwaga
Imi? i nazwisko u?ytkownika: Olaf Tomczak
Adres IP: (
User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; pl; rv: Gecko/20080428 Firefox/
Tre?? wiadomo??i: 
Test [????] Test
What is even more interesting the same code worked before on the machine I'm using (I didn't change glassfish or server configuration). Also this code works well on other machines, and when I wrote a standalone application using JavaMail and the same method to send email and run it - it also worked fine.
What might be the cause of this behaviour?!
Thanks a lot,
Olaf Tomczak
[Message sent by forum member 'olafos' (olafos)]