I am trying to run an application with several producers sending to a
single topic. I have a consumer and each producer running as a separate
application client. Each one locates the ConnectionFactory then does
the basic connectivity in order to send or receive. After running about
4 or 5 of these components, I am unable to start any new ones because
they hang on the JNDI lookup for the ConnectionFactory with the
following messages being sent back:
May 21, 2008 10:19:29 AM com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsclient.AckQueue printInfo
WARNING: [W2003]: Broker not responding [HELLO(10)] for 120 seconds.
Still trying..., broker addr=XXXXXXX:7676(52604), connectionID=0,
clientID=null, consumerID=1
Can somebody offer any clues? Any help would be most welcome.