Re: Glassfish starts, binds to ports but does not respond

From: Chris Fleischmann <Chris.Fleischmann_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 20 May 2008 14:43:38 +1000

Sorry can you also send your domain.xml file for your particular
domain/instance (along with your server.log file)... The http and http
threads may well be waiting for more memory, I see from the jvm.log file
that you have 99% of your heap in use.

 def new generation total 16448K, used 12406K [0x89ca0000, 0x8ae70000,
  eden space 14656K, 77% used [0x89ca0000, 0x8a7b50c0, 0x8aaf0000)
  from space 1792K, 59% used [0x8aaf0000, 0x8abf8a98, 0x8acb0000)
  to space 1792K, 0% used [0x8acb0000, 0x8acb0000, 0x8ae70000)
 tenured generation total 36292K, used 22775K [0x94740000, 0x96ab1000,
   the space 36292K, 62% used [0x94740000, 0x95d7dc08, 0x95d7de00,
 compacting perm gen total 43776K, used 43732K [0xa9ca0000, 0xac760000,
   the space 43776K, 99% used [0xa9ca0000, 0xac7551a8, 0xac755200,
No shared spaces configured.

The areas I'm thinking of exploring are:

adding a line (if not there already) to your jvm options setting your
maxperm size higher: -XX:MaxPermSize=256m

If the above doesn't fix your issues, it may well be a locking issue etc
with respect to Grizzly (we will explore further).



Chris Fleischmann wrote:
> Sorry to be a pain, but can you also send me your server.log file?
> wrote:
>> I have attached some files..
>> lsof.out - output from the lsof command
>> strace.out - a portion of the output from the strace command.
>> the output from ulimit -a :
>> ulimit -a
>> core file size (blocks, -c) 0
>> data seg size (kbytes, -d) unlimited
>> scheduling priority (-e) 0
>> file size (blocks, -f) unlimited
>> pending signals (-i) 8192
>> max locked memory (kbytes, -l) 32
>> max memory size (kbytes, -m) unlimited
>> open files (-n) 1024
>> pipe size (512 bytes, -p) 8
>> POSIX message queues (bytes, -q) 819200
>> real-time priority (-r) 0
>> stack size (kbytes, -s) 8192
>> cpu time (seconds, -t) unlimited
>> max user processes (-u) 8192
>> virtual memory (kbytes, -v) unlimited
>> file locks (-x) unlimited
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