Re: glassfish loggging to syslog only

From: Gabor Szokoli <>
Date: Mon, 19 May 2008 11:57:21 +0200

Answering my own question:

Setting /dev/null as the log file seems to work when both the size-
and time limits for log file rotation are set to "0".
Still, a slighly more advanced log routing facility would be nice to
have (in V3, say).
More log destinations would be useful:
multiple files (or none :-) ), multiple syslog servers (currently
localhost is hardcoded), e-mail addresses, SNMP trap destinations,

These could then be mixed-and-matched with multiple log filtering setups.
That way I could send all FINEST logs to local files with heavy
rotation, AUDIT logs only to a remote log server, and severe issues
only to the management system as SNMP traps.

Gabor Szokoli

On 5/14/08, Gabor Szokoli <> wrote:
> Hi,
> We have set up glassfish to log to the syslog facilty. (blatantly
> stratightforward, there's a checkbox on the admin console...)
> But now I don't know what to do with the logfile which I don't need anymore.
> I tried to direct it to /dev/null, but it got rotated after a while
> with catastrophic consequences for the rest of the system :-)
> This is odd though, as its size is always 0, and
> "log-rotation-timelimit-in-minutes" is "0".
> So I need a way to either:
> - Disable direct file logging while retaining syslog logging, or
> - Disable log file rotation altogether so I can direct logs to /dev/null
> I have read this, but found no solution:
> Any advice apperciated!
> Gabor Szokoli