Re: Java.lang.NPE when publishing simp JSP using GlassFish JavaEE 5 SJSAS P

From: <>
Date: Wed, 14 May 2008 06:14:17 PDT

vbk and Ludo:
Thank you again for your time. Your assistance here is priceless.

Here is what I have completed and the results:

1.) I completely uninstalled Eclipse ( including the .eclipse folder in my ..Users directory) and installed Eclipse again, this time in the C:\ folder, NOT the C:\Program Files folder. When I walked through the web page script mentioned in my earlier posting to install the GlassFish server adapter, it all worked well. This time I did find the GF category in the "New Server" wizard. Does this mean that there is a bug when it comes to spaces in folder names? Anyway, I moved forward and created a simple index.jsp file and encountered a new problem.

When I created the index.jsp file and clicked on "Run on Server", there was no problem. The GF server started and ran the jsp file in the browser window in the Eclipse IDE. Then I made a change to the index.jsp file, adding some javascript code. When I clicked to refresh the index.jsp page nothing happend. So I clicked to "republish". Thats when the problem began. A dialog opened showing me the status of the publsh task. First I see that it completed a "Launching delegate" step, then it showed that it was "Starting virtual machine". At that point Eclispe broke. A Vista dialoge box opened to tell me that Eclipse.exe stopped running.

Now here's something that may be related to this issue. I noticed lately that when I start up my machine (Dell, 2 duo cord, 4g memory), just before getting to the desktop, I get a dialog with a red stop sign. The the title bar of this dialog states:"Java Virtual Machine Launcher" and the message inside this dialog box is "Cound not find the main class. Program will exit". I suspect this issue is related to the problem Eclipse is having whenever I try to republish something on the GF server v2. What do you think? FYI: I have my Java jre1.6.0 installed on C:\Program Files\Java. Do you think that I may be having the same issue as yesterday since my jre is loaded in the Program Files folder?

Also for Ludo:
After I completed a fresh install of the JEE Eclipse bundle you suggested yesterday to my C:\ folder, I decided to use Eclipse update to obtain the latest of the software that is contained in this bundle. When I clicked on "Find and Install"-> "Search for updates of the currently installed features", the only thing that would have been updated was MYLYN. However when I clicked on "Find and Install" -> "Search for new features to install", I received a list of optional additional software to include in my Eclipse install. Included in this list was the WTP package. Now I know that WTP 2.0 is supposed to be part of the JEE Eclipse bundle, but then why was it not included as a required update when I clcked on "Search for updates of the currently installed features"? Strange. Anyway, when I clicked on "Search for new features to install", I selected the WTP packagae and installed it. After doing so, I tried to create a new server and I was happy to see that the GlassFish category remained on the list of server adapters in the "New Server" wizard after installing the WTP package.

Thanks again for your time here. Please let me know what your thoughts are. Do you think I should move my jre install or perhaps my jre install is corrupted (?).

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