Class-path issues on glassfish

From: <>
Date: Sat, 10 May 2008 04:26:16 PDT

We currently run our applications on jboss and want to migrate our applications to glassfish platform.
We deploy our applications in war files; but war files do not include proterty and xml files used for configuration.
We add these configuration files to jboss class-path by *-service.xml files in jboss.
In glassfish how can i add these files to class-path where is accessible by wars?I tried some combinations but it did not work.

And i have another constraint which really leaves me in the lurch;some of the wars are from third party vendors and we do not have the source code
to change the path where the source looks for.
I decompiled some of these servlets to find out where they look for configuration files.Here is a snippet.

 XMLElement element = new XMLElement();
 InputStream str = element.getClass().getResourceAsStream([b]"/configuration/config.xml")[/b];
 XMLElement is a class from a vendor at a jar file where is located ${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/domains/domain1/lib/ext directory.The web application can
 see the XmlElement.
 Where should i position the config.xml file so that the web app can access this file?
 As i stated before i can not change the path "/configuration/config.xml"
 I hope my problem is clear enough.
 Thanks for your attention.
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