Re: How to address / lookup a local interface from a helper class

From: Joerg Gippert <>
Date: Fri, 9 May 2008 20:35:57 +0200


well, if you are programming an application client, that wants to access
your EJB, then the interface that you will be getting is always a remote
interface. Local interfaces are only inside the J2EE container.

So, if you do this:
 InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
  Foo foo = (Foo) ic.lookup("FooEJB");

in your appclient, you'll get the remote interface of FooEJB. If you deploy
and run the same code inside a J2EE EJB 3.0 container (like Glassfish),
you'll get a local interface (not sure, if that also applies to clustered
environments, though)

Check this webpage, that gives some information on the topic:

Regarding the local and remote lookup:
If you want to exploicitly look up the remote interface, you can use this

InitialContext initialContext = new InitialContext();
IBusinessService businessService = (IBusinessService)

Notice the "/remote" in the JNDI name.

Some more information is avilable here: . Click on
the donwload link and check out the simplified API and the Contracts PDF
files. It deals with JNDI naming conventions and also the remote/local
interface stuff in detail.


----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, May 09, 2008 6:50 PM
Subject: Re: How to address / lookup a local interface from a helper class

> Thanks. So an extra lookup is required.
> But what is the correct handling for the JNDI names when using both, local
> and remote interfaces? In the bean, we use
> @Stateless( mappedName=OrderManagerRemote.DEFAULT_JNDI_NAME )
> but what should be used for the local interface name
> and how we can distinguish between them?
> [Message sent by forum member 'reiner_nix2' (reiner_nix2)]
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