Re: Eclipse breaks when GlassFish publishes

From: Rochelle Raccah <Rochelle.Raccah_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 28 May 2008 16:47:22 -0700

One more note - RC1 for eclipse 3.4 is available
( and the problem is also
fixed (without patches) there.


Rochelle Raccah wrote:
> Hi Gary,
> I was able to reproduce this today and get the WTP patch updates to fix
> it. Here's what I did:
> - Install the eclipse you mentioned originally
> - Install GlassFish v2 ur2 (note that the problem happens with GlassFish
> v3 as well, so I don't believe your SDK is any different)
> - Start with a clean workspace
> - Download the server adapter for GlassFish from within eclipse, create
> a local server as well
> - Restart as part of the server adapter download
> - Create a Dynamic Web Project with just a simple index.jsp
> - Try to run on server - get the NPE you mentioned, which is bug
> <>
> - Create a new server for glassfish v3
> - Stop my v2 server
> - Run my Dynamic Web Project on the v3 server - get same NPE
> Now for the fix:
> - Go to Help->Software Updates->Find and Install... in the main menu
> - Leave the first radio button chosen - updates of currently installed
> features
> - Choose the automatically select mirrors in the Update Site Mirrors
> dialog that pops up
> - At this point, I had to wait about 5 minutes. The results then
> contain 2 top level items: mylyn & patches (under some url). I
> unchecked mylyn and checked patches, then followed the wizard to accept
> licenses, install, etc.. After restart, my app deployment works properly.
> Please let me know if this works for you.
> Thanks,
> Rochelle
> Rochelle Raccah wrote:
>> It seems like in your first experiment you are running into eclipse
>> issue <>. Is that
>> why you were trying to upgrade WTP?
>> I need to look into your experiment #3 a bit more and see if I can
>> figure out the problem.
>> I'll let you know.
>> Thanks,
>> Rochelle
>> wrote:
>>> Rochelle:
>>> My apologies for taking so long to respond back to you. I have been
>>> very busy with work and have taken some vacation time over this
>>> Memorial day weekend.
>>> Thank you very much for resonding to my request for assistance. I
>>> have completed a couple of the tests that you asked to be completed.
>>> The first test I completed, per your 1), where I installed the same
>>> versions of eclipse and glassfish, but skip the WTP update, resulted
>>> in an error occurring when I select to "run on server" the index.jsp
>>> page in my TestWebPJ. Once again I received the error message while
>>> the server was attempting to publish. I have attached two files for
>>> your review: see Eclipse_Trial_1.log and Eclipse_Trial_1.jpeg.
>>> Unfortunately I managed to wipe out my existing workspace therefore I
>>> could not run your test 2), however I did run your test 3). I will
>>> post another message attaching the output for your review from that
>>> test.
>>> Thank you again for your time
>>> Gary
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