Re: Re: _at_Resource in Resource Adapter

From: Stephen Connolly <>
Date: Tue, 27 May 2008 20:48:51 +0100

A resource adapter is not under full control of the application. It might
be dedicated for the application if you bundle it in your EAR, but that is a
packaging choice. The spec for the JCA allows (and kind of expects) for
separate deployment.

On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 7:27 AM, Markus Karg <> wrote:

> Good to know but bad for programmers.
> Actually I do not see why a resource adapter bean is not considered as
> an application component: It is a component, it is under the control of
> the application server, and last but not least it is part of the EAR,
> and such is part of a particular application. Moreover, it uses JNDI to
> lookup managed resources like JDBC connections and EJBs. So I do not see
> any difference between a SB and a RA.
> From my point of view, the spec authors should think over their decision
> and allow @Resource and @EJB inside of the bean class and the connection
> classes, as all of them are under full control of the application
> server.
> Regards
> Markus
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sivakumar.Thyagarajan_at_Sun.COM
> [mailto:Sivakumar.Thyagarajan_at_Sun.COM]
> Sent: Dienstag, 27. Mai 2008 07:08
> To:
> Subject: Re: @Resource in Resource Adapter
> Hi Markus
> >>> Is it possible in JavaEE 5 to replace JNDI lookups by @Resource
> inside
> >>> of a Resource Adapter, and if it is possible, can it be done in any
> >>> class inside of the .rar or only in the ResourceAdapterBean class?
> Though resource adapter ease of development is being considered as part
> of JSR 322 (Connectors 1.6), @Resource annotations within a RA however,
> is not being considered for the following reason: The RA is not an
> application component like EJB/Servlets and does not have the ability to
> define resource-references to managed resources in the container
> runtime.
> The ResourceAdapter javabean (or a class within the RAR) can always
> choose to perform a JNDI lookup on the "physical" JNDI name of a
> configured resource, and this would work in GlassFish, but this usage is
> non-portable and may not work in other application servers.
> Thanks
> --Siva.
> Sahoo wrote:
> > JCA spec was not updated in Java EE 5 release, so no, RARs can't use
> > annotations in Java EE 5. I believe it is being worked in the next rev
> > of JCA spec likely to be part of Java EE 6.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Sahoo
> >
> > Markus Karg wrote:
> >>
> >> Is it possible in JavaEE 5 to replace JNDI lookups by @Resource
> inside
> >> of a Resource Adapter, and if it is possible, can it be done in any
> >> class inside of the .rar or only in the ResourceAdapterBean class?
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Thanks
> >>
> >> Markus
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