glassfish performance problem with NetBeans.

From: Mohammad Shamsi <>
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2008 01:46:50 -0800

Hi All,

I have just installed glassfish on my pc, for test Java EE.

after deploying some module on galssfish, its speed, memory usage and...
seems good.

but when i install NetBeans and define my external galssfish server for
NetBeans. my server speed slow done. and deployment and runing application
on glassfish is very slow now.

i see this line repeated on my server log :

Monitor, sends data to IDE;|
WARNING *********** NetBeans HTTP Monitor ************
The request cannot be recorded most likely because the NetBeans HTTP Server
is not running. Go to the IDE and start the HTTP Server from within the
Runtime window to fix this problem.|#]

is this related to my bad performance ?

is there any settings or config to better peroformance ??

sincerely yours
M. H. Shamsi