Moving from annotations to deployment descriptor - I'm desparate

From: <>
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2008 19:43:57 PDT

Hey folks,

I can't believe I have to ask this question, but I've looked at documents and googled until my eyes bled and I can't find the answer, and I'm under serious time pressure.

I have a trivial enterprise application consisting of a web module and an EJB module. In the EJB module is one stateless session bean, and in the web module are a couple .jsp pages. I have used the new annotations to indicate that the EJB is stateless, that it's interface is remote, and I have set a few security annotations. In the JSP, I can successfully look up the SLSB with:

                noteDAO = (NoteDAO)ic.lookup(NoteDAO.class.getName());

where NoteDAO is the remote interface and NoteDAOBean is the class implementing that interface. Everything works as I expect.

However, I need to switch from using the annotations to using deployment descriptors. No matter what I try, I *always* get a NameNotFoundException when attempting to look up the bean in the JSP page. I know I'm just doing something stupid, but I simply do not know where to look next. I've read the Java EE 5 tutorial, portions of the spec, numerous forum postings, many parts of the GlassFish documentation. I'm sure I've seen all the pieces, but I don't know which pieces to put together in which combinations.

Can somebody *please* point me to some sort of conversion guide, or just type out the XML I need to add to ejb-jar.xml (and sun-ejb-jar.xml?), and then tell me what JNDI name I need to use to look it up? I'm going out of my mind! This shouldn't be that hard!
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