What to do with ejbHome methods?

From: Markus KARG <>
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2008 14:48:24 +0200

Our existing EJB 2.1 code is calling ejbHome<name> methods that are to
be found in the RemoteHome interface.
Now we want to migrate the EJBs to EJB 3.0, while the client must stay
EJB 2.1 for a while.
So we are using EJB 2.1 Compatibility View (@RemoteHome).
The AdaptedHome declares (as in EJB 2.1) our ejbHome<name> method, just
as before in EJB 2.1 times.
The EJB 3.0 JPA entity is implementing the ejbHome<name> method, just as
before (non-static).
When we are calling our ejbHome<name> method remotely, what will
GlassFish do?
It doesn't have an entity instance at that time.
Will it create an empty instance just for sake of the ejbHome<name> call?
Or do I have to make the ejbHome<name> methods static in the implementation?
Or is it just impossible to use ejbHome<name> methods anymore in the EJB
2.1 Compatibility View?


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