Re: How to deploy a WAR as the default application on the default server?

From: <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2008 20:43:13 -0700

Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM wrote:

> wrote:
>> In response to this entire thread, I'll also add that when deploying
>> a web module as part of a larger enterprise module, Glassfish
>> completely ignores the value specified in the context-root element in
>> the sun-web.xml file. Instead it simply names its context-root as the
>> name of the actual web module.
> Well, have you thought of filing a bug?
> would be your best friend in this case.

Actually, as Wolfram correctly pointed out (thanks, Wolfram!), you would
specify the
context-root in the EAR file's sun-application.xml.

But my recommendation about filing bugs or enhancement requests still
holds true
in general.
