Re: Why is MDB not firing?

From: Markus KARG <>
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2008 11:27:14 +0200

For me, it looks like the message is not in the repository:

Here is the result of imqcmd query dst:

Abfragen von Ziel, wobei:

Zielname Zieltyp

auf Broker, angegeben durch:

Host Primõrer Port
localhost 7676

Zieltyp Thema
Zielstatus RUNNING
Administratorisch erstellt true

Aktuelle Zahl Meldungen
Actual 0
In ▄bertragung 0
Bytes der aktuellen Nachricht
Actual 0
In ▄bertragung 0
Aktuelle Zahl von Produzenten 0
Aktuelle Zahl Konsumenten 1

H÷chstzahl Meldungen unbegrenzt (-1)
Max. Gesamtgr÷▀e Meldungen (Byte) unbegrenzt (-1)
Max. Gr÷▀e pro Meldung (Byte) unbegrenzt (-1)
H÷chstzahl von Produzenten 100

Verhalten bei Begrenzungen REJECT_NEWEST
Obergrenze f³r Konsumentenfluss 1000
Ist lokales Ziel false
Warteschlange f³r nicht zugestellte Nachrichten verwenden true

Ziel erfolgreich abgefragt.

Ramesh schrieb:
> Hi Markus,
> Does the destination MY_TOPIC have the message that you sent from the
> swing client, also could you verify if there is an active consumer for
> the destination.
> You could do this by either using the $GF_HOME/imq/bin/imqadmin tool
> or using the "$GF_HOME/imq/bin/imqcmd query dst" command.
> Thanks
> -Ramesh
> Markus KARG wrote:
>> I have written a small JMS sample using Java EE 5 SDK and try running
>> it on the default GlassFish instance. A Swing Client (WebStart'ed) is
>> sending a TextMessage into a topic (no exception thrown, no log
>> entries). A MDB is listening on the topic (no exception thrown, no
>> log entries). Can verify and deploy without any problems. But: The
>> MDB does never walk into onMessage! I couldn't believe it, so I added
>> both, logging and showing a message box as the very first line of
>> onMessage. Both never happens. I thought it might be a typo in
>> mappedName annotation, but as soon as I change the mappedName, I
>> cannot deploy anymore, so the name IS correct (since I do not get ANY
>> verify, deploy or runtime log entries).
>> Please help, I am totally confused. I am using JMS on JOnAS 4.x for
>> years, but I just can't get it running on GlassFish.
>> Where's my fault?
>> Here is the code for sending:
>> @Resource(mappedName = "MY_CONNECTION_FACTORY")
>> private static ConnectionFactory connectionFactory;
>> @Resource(mappedName = "MY_TOPIC")
>> private static Topic topic;
>> try {
>> final Connection connection =
>> HelloClient.connectionFactory.createConnection();
>> final Session session = connection.createSession(true,
>> final MessageProducer producer =
>> session.createProducer(HelloClient.this.topic);
>> final Message msg = session.createTextMessage("JMS-Test Text Message");
>> producer.send(msg, DeliveryMode.PERSISTENT, 3, 0);
>> JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "OK", "Test Titel",
>> } catch (final Throwable e) {
>> JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e.getMessage(), "Test Titel",
>> }
>> (when running, it always shows "OK" but never an Exception)
>> and here is the MDB code:
>> package example.mdb;
>> import javax.ejb.MessageDriven;
>> import javax.jms.Message;
>> import javax.jms.MessageListener;
>> import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
>> @MessageDriven(mappedName = "MY_TOPIC")
>> public class TestMDB implements MessageListener {
>> public void onMessage(Message arg0) {
>> // For debug purposes, added logging or MessageBox in the first line,
>> but it
>> // never shows up!
>> }
>> }
>> I am not using deployment descriptor entries.
>> Thanks
>> Markus
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