> Hi,
> We have developed a J2EE web based product and
> going to
> nstall it in our client's server.
> I would like to know how
> we can package our product so that nobody can view
> our JSPs
> and nobody has access to our class files.
> First I would like to know if it is possible.
When you release a software, for example a webapplication, you release all components, and as you know anybody can see it.
The advice is to have JSPs with less logic as possible in. Use them as template, and do the hard work on classes.
The classes are bytecode files, but with some decompiler you can get source.
Then you should use an obfuscator, but still you wont be sure at 100%.
> I would also like to know
> how we can make licensing possible so that the client
> will
> not be able to use it after a certain period.
Try thinking a licensing mechanism as a property with your expiration date.
Put it in a configuration file, threat it as required field or property or attribute or element and store your expiration date. Not clear, but coded. You have a lots of encryption systems out there. Obviously you should know the reverse key to decode your expiration date.
> Please help me in these two
I tryed
> regards.
> Thanks
You welcome
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