Re: EJB remote access through firewall

From: Glenn Holmer <>
Date: Wed, 09 Apr 2008 09:05:13 -0500 wrote:
> The main question here seems to be why are you getting the location forward?
> If you are using GlassFish on the server (the webdevel machine in the DMZ),

Yes, that's where he's running.

> there are not many circumstances in which you should get a location forward
> response. The only one I know of in the ORB or the GlassFish CORBA interceptors
> is in the IIOP failover and loadbalancing code, in the sever group manager, where
> we use a location forward to indicate to the client that its IOR is out of data
> with respect to the cluster membership. But this would ONLY apply if you have
> a cluster deployed in the DMZ.

No, no clustering.

> It is also possible for an application running on the server (webdevel) to cause
> a location forward to be sent by using portable interceptors, but this is fairly unusual.

I've never even heard of those, it sounds like a military aircraft :)

> Please supply more details about the configuration of the machines involved, especially
> about confgured IIOP listeners, any special parameters in domain.xml, and which versions
> of GlassFish are running.

webdevel is running GlassFish V2 (not UR1) on Java 6 (the machine is
running openSUSE 10.2 on dual Xeons with 4G of core). There are five
web apps running and just the one enterprise app (that we are trying to
connect to). The admin app shows nothing under "EJB Modules",
"Connector Modules", "Lifecycle Modules" or "Application Client
Modules". No special customizations were made; all we did was deploy
the app as described in my first post.

Glenn Holmer                
Software Engineer                        phone: 414-908-1809
Weyco Group, Inc.                          fax: 414-908-1601