fronting glassfish?

From: Kristian Rink <>
Date: Wed, 9 Apr 2008 08:41:30 +0200


movin' along in our migration process, it's about time for our
glassfish app to be unleashed to a set of external testers. Which makes
me reconsider another issue: So far, we were using tomcat 6 in our LAN,
having an apache2 in a DMZ network segment acting as a "reverse proxy"
to restrict public access to the productive server.

As this generally has proven to be a good idea, I want to go the same
way using glassfish, and so I'd kindly ask around for any experiences
with apache2/lighttpd/nginx/sun-webserver in such a setup. So far, we
don't intend to run a clustered glassfish, the httpd is really supposed
to just front one gf host. Especially I am interested in experiences
regarding the proxied transmission of large files both in up- and
download. What are your thoughts on that?

Thanks a bunch and best regards,

Kristian Rink * *
jab: * icq: 48874445 * fon: ++49 176 2447 2771
"One dreaming alone, it will be only a dream; many dreaming together
is the beginning of a new reality." (Hundertwasser)