Is there any way to start POA server from Glassfish ?
It is really useful to can create POAs. It is not always reasonable to create EJB fro each object you want to use. For example I would like to connect to database stored procedure remotely. Now I would need to create EJB class for each of them or have one general EJB for it. But would be great if I could register POA server which will expose my stored procedures as I want. And if it could register my own interface repository it would be even better.
It would be useful also for bunch of JRuby or Python scripts which would be available remotely and many other cases.
Same would be nice for webservices to have generic webservices layer which can act as proxy for many webservices. (and best would be if IR could be exposed as WSDL and POA as webservice)
Marek Mosiewicz
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