Re: Server stops responding due to Glassfish

From: Ryan de Laplante <>
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 14:55:38 -0400 wrote:
>> HTTP requests consistently stop reaching the web application
> Detect same on my server (linux), but not consistently and very rarely.
> In that cases non of my webapplications are reachable, also admin gui.
> Nothing to see in log files.
> Think this must be an "unnormal" issue.
> Not familiar with that stuff, just guessing: could it be an problem with broken connections, mean if client/user aborts
> [Message sent by forum member 'hammoud' (hammoud)]
This is concerning. Up until now I thought this problem was specific to
Windows 2003 NP Pool leak. That might explain why I experience two
similar but different issues:

1) Every week or two the web container would stop serving requests.
Sometimes it would say "Maximum connections reached: 4096" even when
there were only a couple of hundred transactions a day. Other times it
would show nothing in the browser or not respond at all. My other http
listener for web services also stops working. Usually the web admin
console is the only http listener that is working. Restarting the
SJSAS 9.1 Windows service solves the problem.

2) Every few months I find that restarting SJSAS 9.1 Windows service
makes no difference. PostgreSQL also dies and you can't connect to it
anymore. The only solution is to reboot Windows.

I think issue #2 is related to the Windows 2003 Server NP Pool leak
which may have been fixed now with Microsoft patches, but I doubt it
since we have to restart SJSAS 9.1 more often since installing the

I think issue #1 is a GlassFish problem, since you experience it on
linux and so does an other poster in this forum.
