Re: Server stops responding due to Glassfish

From: Ryan de Laplante <>
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2008 13:50:55 -0400

Too bad I didn't know to do all of this earlier today. It happened
again the morning. Since we install the Microsoft patches, our system
has been going down every 2-3 days. Today NP Pool was up to 552K or so
which is the lowest I've seen it when it stops working. Nothing in log
files. I'm might ask our data center guys to back out the Microsoft


Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote:
> Ryan de Laplante wrote:
>> I've been living with these kinds of issues since Oct, but I think my
>> issue is NP Pool leak in Win 2003 server. Next time this happens,
>> I'll try changing a setting in the HTTP Listener like you suggested
>> to see if we're having the same issue you are.
> Also, when it happens, can you do a jstack PID to see where all
> threads are blocked?
> Thanks!
> -- Jeanfrancois
>> Thanks,
>> Ryan
>> wrote:
>>> After a few hours HTTP requests consistently stop reaching the web
>>> application. The java application continues to run, but HTTP
>>> requests are not being passed to servlets. If I go into the admin
>>> console and fiddle with an HTTP Service setting, like enabling
>>> access logging for example, POOF!! the site comes back to life. I
>>> can only assume that doing that causes something to reset in
>>> Glassfish. Clearly this is a Glassfish issue and nothing to do with
>>> the application code. Maddening and unacceptable. My only option is
>>> to get off Glassfish and onto something more stable. I am
>>> stopping/starting the domain on my production servers constantly. If
>>> anyone has a suggestion to make this problem go away I will be very
>>> grateful.
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