Going Crazy with _at_EJB AppClient

From: <>
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2008 21:14:35 PDT


Has anyone got some simple advice on how GlassFish handles @EJB references?
I am going nuts trying to figure out why it is not working in my code but yet the samples work.

public class FXCurveManagerServiceBean
implements FXCurveManagerServiceRemote, FXCurveManagerServiceLocal {
 /*...*/ }

public class FXCurveManagerClient {

    private static FXCurveManagerService service;



Each every time I get EJB Unresolved Href and I have no idea why? Because the mapped name JNDI is the name of the explicitly given to the SLSB. Also I looked at the JNDI browser and I am really frustrated that it is not obvious. I checked the JAR and the classes are there. The manifest looks correct. What other tools are there to help within GlassFish. This is what I hate about EJB development still, the lookup and the matching of names. Aarrgh!!!!
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