JMS Messages redelivered infinitely with default settings

From: <>
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2008 14:34:33 PDT

Running Sun AppServer 9.1, using the default "Sun Java(tm) System Message Queue 4.1" I cannot seem to set any kind of max redelivery for messages that call setRollbackOnly() on the MessageDrivenContext. They get redelivered to the queue indefinitely (no errors are ever thrown or printed into the server.log).

I've been at this for a full day without any kind of solution yet. I've come across activation spec properties such as RedeliveryInterval, but those are for the Generic JMS RA, which I am not using. Also, they all appear to be for RuntimeException's anyways, so even if they worked... it wouldnt help my cause.

When queried with "imqcmd query dst", the useDMD property is "true" on all queues

The default DMD queue is created and exists.

I don't see any kind of properties that can be set through imqcmd that apply to retry attempts or specifying what DMD to use (in order to use one besides the system default; which may not be possible, and out of the scope of this question).
[Message sent by forum member 'asherwin' (asherwin)]