servlet session survives glassfish restart?

From: Gabor Szokoli <>
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 09:55:28 +0100

Hi there,

We experience odd behavior in one of our deployments:

Glassfish runs on a single Linux node without clustering, default
domain only. Not much configuration after installation. A single
servlet is deployed from .war file.
A user logs in to the application, resulting in a session.
I shut down and restart glassfish with asadmin stop-domain then start-domain.
Not a single java process runs on the server in between, confirmed by ps.
But when I access the servlet from a browser again, the session seems
to still exist!

Trouble is, this happens only at a customer site, and we are unable to
reproduce it anywhere else. Advice on narrowing down the problem is
highly appreciated.
Where do I start looking?

Thanks in advance:
Gabor Szokoli