IWebMvc Milestone 2 available

From: Jose Noheda <>
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 12:28:08 +0100

Hi all,

I've released a new version of IWebMvc. IWebMvc is a web platform aimed at
developers. This version includes support for Glassfish deployment. In fact
I use Glassfish as the development server. For those of you that don't know
IWebMvc there's a brief presentation (along with the download) available at Basically it's a framework
based around JEE5 / Spring / Hibernate / DWR / dojo that helps a developer
kick start a project offering lots of prebuilt functionality (preconfigured
project, i18n, themes, CRUD operations, useful widgets...). You can read
more about it at Please give it a try!

Comments, suggestions, contributions, everything is welcomed.
