Re: Unable to connect to remote JMS service using connection factory resource

From: Ramesh Parthasarathy <Ramesh.Parthasarathy_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 10:06:24 +0000

Hi Joe,
        Please see Issue 3462

Change your jms-service type to LOCAL (default being EMBEDDED) as a
workaround, and restart your server.
Admin console -
Configurations -> <your configuration> -> Java Message Service -> Type:

This issue would be fixed in V2.1


Joe Jordan wrote:
> Heya folks,
> I am having a trouble getting Glassfish v2ur1 to talk to a remote JMS
> (OpenMQ) service consistently.
> The issue is detailed here, along with a test webapp and script
> demonstrating the problem:
> To summarise:
> create-jms-resource --restype javax.jms.ConnectionFactory --property
> 'AddressList=localhost\:7677' jms/RemoteConnectionFactory
> # remote JMS not working yet - messages are delivered to embedded broker
> instead
> set
> server.resources.connector-connection-pool.jms/
> # remote JMS is now working
> stop-domain
> start-domain
> # remote JMS no longer working - messages again being delivered to
> embedded broker
> Can anyone comment on this? Is anyone successfully talking to a remote
> OpenMQ broker using the jmsra resource adapter and connection factory
> resource in this way? What am I doing wrong, if anything?
> Cheers,
> Joe Jordan
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