Unable to connect to remote JMS service using connection factory resource

From: Joe Jordan <>
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 19:50:29 +1000

Heya folks,

I am having a trouble getting Glassfish v2ur1 to talk to a remote JMS
(OpenMQ) service consistently.

The issue is detailed here, along with a test webapp and script
demonstrating the problem:

To summarise:

create-jms-resource --restype javax.jms.ConnectionFactory --property
'AddressList=localhost\:7677' jms/RemoteConnectionFactory
# remote JMS not working yet - messages are delivered to embedded
broker instead
set server.resources.connector-connection-pool.jms/
# remote JMS is now working
# remote JMS no longer working - messages again being delivered to
embedded broker

Can anyone comment on this? Is anyone successfully talking to a
remote OpenMQ broker using the jmsra resource adapter and connection
factory resource in this way? What am I doing wrong, if anything?

Joe Jordan