Is there a way to configure a deployment timeout on glassfish v2 DAS

From: <>
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 13:49:08 PST

Hi All,

Is the timeout of a deploy operation on a deployable object (such as EAR, WAR, RAR, etc) configurable on a glassfish v2 DAS? I currently have a glassfish server setup as a standard domain admin server (DAS) with a series of dependent cluster nodes communicating configuration and deployment events via JMX. I use the custom deploy utility (written using the JSR 88 standard APIs) that I use to deploy and undeploy objects to the clusters. Sometimes the deploy operation on the DAS (which obviously is using JMX to deploy the objects to the cluster nodes) hangs indefinitely without a timeout condition. When such an operation takes an inordinate amount of time, there often times is a problem on the DAS (such as out of permgen memory error) or on the target cluster that requires a restart of the DAS or the cluster or both.

Assuming the DAS is not hosed, is there a way I can force the DAS to terminate a deploy operation with an error after some specified time has elapsed? Either a timeout setting on the DAS or some sort of setting on the JSR 88 deployment manager would be acceptable.

Best regards,

[Message sent by forum member 'jmetcalf' (jmetcalf)]