Re: ACC, Web Start and IIOP/SSL

From: <>
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 05:31:19 PST


I've been trying to get to get IIOP + SSL to work
That is: I've made an appclient module and an secure ejb module that is configured to use SSL in the sun-ejb-jar.xml.
The client = jre 1.6.0_04
Server = 9.1_1 PE
IDE = Eclipse 3.3 (Europe) with GlassFish plugin for GlassFish V2.

Up until now I've not been able to get things working
See the last posts of thread for my efforts so far.

But according to the posts in this thread it is currently NOT possible to use SSL with ACC/Web start and we will have to wait until the bug_ID mentioned is closed (and we have a bit of a showstopper in our company's project)?

Any response is more than welcome.


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