Re: transaction type JTA but no jtaDataSource

From: Johnny Tolliver <>
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 14:13:02 -0400 (EDT)

On Mon, 10 Mar 2008, Sahoo wrote:

> I know your problem is fixed now, but I would like to know the origin of
> this message. Can you please let me know the stack trace for the above
> error? It should be in your log file if you still have it.

Sorry, I no longer have the log file, but, before I posted my question,
Google was able to find the message in *somebody's* source. See this link:

Looks like the file is in an oracle.toplink... package. The linked-to file
is a list of error messages. The one I got is numbered 28010. Well, that's
*almost* the message I got. Obviously my persistence unit name was inserted
in place of the {0} placeholder, but more curiously, my message absolutely
did not have an apostrophe in the word "doesn't" whereas the linked-to
source file has an apostrophe. Odd.

Johnny S. Tolliver
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 865-574-1305