Re: transaction type JTA but no jtaDataSource

From: Johnny Tolliver <>
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 13:38:38 -0400 (EDT)

On Mon, 10 Mar 2008, Sahoo wrote:

> Have you specified the exact error message? A quick search in glassfish
> code base does not come up with any error message string that matches
> the pattern specified in your email.

Yes, it was exact, except I abbreviated the full name of the persistence
unit to "xxx".

> I have a feeling that the correct persistence.xml is not being picked up
> and the one that is being picked up has only the non-jta-data-source
> specified.

Your feeling makes sense, because no matter what I do to my persistence.xml,
including changing the transaction-type to RESOURCE_LOCAL, I still get the
same "JTA but no jtaDataSource" error message. Sheesh.

So I deleted the old persistence unit in order to create a new one. Well, I
*tried* to delete the old one. NB said it couldn't do it. I ended up closing
and reopening the project. Then I could delete the old and make a new one.

And... drum roll please... now it works! Thanks for the suggestion (wish I'd
thought of that :-) Somehow, either I or NB6.1beta got something all out of
whack. At least it's fixed now. Thanks again.

Johnny S. Tolliver
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 865-574-1305