Re: PersistenceContext and the verifier

From: Sahoo <Sahoo_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 06 Mar 2008 22:29:10 +0530 wrote:
>> No, you can't
>> inject into a super
>> class, so you have to inject into a field or method
>> of the actual EJB.
> This is interesting to me as I think (I'll check, obviously) that I have encountered at least two (working, happy) applications with @PersistenceContext annotations up in the superclass stack somewhere. In case you know it more or less off the top of your head, do you know where in the specification [i]this[/i] is discussed?
> Thanks again,
> Laird
I am wrong here. Reading section #5.2.3 of the Java EE 5 platform spec,
I see injection is allowed in super class fields and methods.
