Re: cannot Enabling SSO with Form-based Authentication in Glassfish

From: <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 05 Mar 2008 14:03:31 -0800

Wang Yu wrote:

> Dear all
> I have written two web applications with Form-based Authentication in
> Glassfish.
> These two applications' deployment descriptor defines the same group
> and use the
> same authentication method.
> It worked (SSO) in "Basic" Authentication, but failed to enable SSO
> in Form-based Authentication.

i just verified that this works as expected on sjsas-9_1_01-fcs.

i deployed the same form-based war at 2 different context roots.

with sso disabled, i had to login to each context individually, but with
sso enabled, i only had to authenticate to one and was implicitly logged
in to the other.
