> hi everyone.
> i'm a total noob to glassfish and servlets, but not to java. i'm trying to make a simple html page that posts to a servlet which returns a response. nothing fancy, just to learn. i currently have a war file that i am dropping into autodeploy that looks like this:
> servletTest/
> - index.html
> - web.xml
> - sun-web.xml
> + WEB_INF/
> + classes/
> + ServletTest.class
web.xml ans sun-web.xml should be under WEB-INF/ dir
WEB_INF should be WEB-INF
> my servlet definition in web.xml looks like this
> <servlet>
> <servlet-name>servletTest</servlet-name>
> <servlet-class>servletTest</servlet-name>
Your servlet class is wrong:Needs to start with Capital S
Using Eclipse or NetBeans IDEs would help you detecting these errors,
> </servlet>
> <servlet-mapping>
> <servlet-name>servletTest</servlet-name>
> <url-pattern>/servletTest</servlet-name>
> </servlet-mapping>
> localhost:8080/servletTest serves up my index.html pages just fine, but no matter what i try i get a 404 when i try to reach my servlet. what am i doing wrong?
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