Re: Java EE 5 tutorial bookshop fails at locale selection

From: <>
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2008 10:22:55 PST

thanks for the info. I have now loaded the latest tutorial and followed the build instructions. There were 3 problems. Two I have fixed.

a) My j2ee SDK deployment put the derby database files into a /javadb folder and not a /derby folder. Follow the build error messages and do text replace in the appropriatte files. This makes the build work OK
b) Deploy to server failed. The persistence.xml file in the project requires a version attribute in the persistance element. Set it to 1.0. Now WAR file deploys to server.

Look at server with web admin tool. Bookstore6 now exists as a web appliaction and its enabled.

With firefox try "http://localhost:8080/bookstore6" but get good old 404 - The requested resource () is not available.

Now I am somewhat baffled !!!!

Are there any logs that I can look at to see what attempts are being made to load anything
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