Weird Behavior (CPU=99.5%) without JConsole

From: <>
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2008 08:09:56 PST

We have a Glassfish v2ur1 installation on x86-32 dual core Ubuntu 7.10 (gutsy) box with 250M free on the hard drive and 1GB physical ram. Installation used all defaults

We have deployed a grand total of 11 simple web applications to it. Each web application is a separate 1 or 2 page JSP application with accompanying jar files.

3 of the web applications call web services located on external boxes.

And each web application has been checked, optimized, and responds within 10 seconds (max timed result over 10,000 invocations).

As you can see, our GF installation isn't being taxed very heavily.

But, when we run Glassfish, after about 5 or 10 minutes, the Java process pegs the CPU between 99.2% and 99.5%.

If, however, we run Glassfish and attach JConsole to the Glassfish process before the domain is started, the Glassfish JVM never goes beyond 5% of the CPU and settles back down to an average of .2% or .3% when idle.

Since everything we've deployed are simple JSP web apps (no extra resource configs, etc...) we are at a loss for why Glassfish is maxing out the CPU.

The JConsole solution is viable if someone is logged into the machine, but this is a back-end server and the JConsole solution will not work for running Glassfish as a server.

So how do I keep Glassfish from taking over the machine if we run as a service?
[Message sent by forum member 'esmithbss' (esmithbss)]