Integrating Active MQ with Glass fish

From: <>
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2008 02:34:55 PST


I'm trying to integrate Qctive MQ with Glass fish. I referred to one of the blogs by Ramesh Parthasarathy (

I'm currently facing issues when i try to create a resource adapter configuration , as mentioned in step 6 of the above article. I'm trying to create a resource adapter configuration in the following way

[b]asadmin create-resource-adapter-config --user admin --passwordfile password.txt --property SupportsXA=true:ProviderIntegrationMode=jndi:RMPolicy=OnePerPhysicalConnection:JndiProperties=java.naming.factory.initial\\=com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory,java.naming.provider.url\\=file://activemqobjects:LogLevel=FINEST genericra[/b]

From what i understand the issue seems to be in the place where JndiProperties have been mentioned. I have tried using various escape sequences Following is the error which i'm getting while trying the same.

[i]F:\glassfish\bin>asadmin create-resource-adapter-config --user admin --passwordfile password.txt --p
roperty SupportsXA=true:ProviderIntegrationMode=jndi:RMPolicy=OnePerPhysicalConnection:JndiPropertie
\=file://activemqobjects:LogLevel=FINEST genericra[/i]
[b]Usage: create-resource-adapter-config [--terse=false] [--echo=false] [--interactive=true] [--host lo
calhost] [--port 4848|4849] [--secure | -s] [--user admin_user] [--passwordfile file_name] [--thread
pools threadpoolids] [--property name=value[:name=value]*] raname
CLI131 Invalid property syntax.[/b]

Please find the environmental details

OS : Windows 2000

glassfish Version Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 (build b58g-fcs)

Active MQ Version : 5.0.0

Thanks a lot in advance.
Thiagarajan S.
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