Re: xen or openvz for Glassfish

From: Gabor Szokoli <>
Date: Sat, 1 Mar 2008 08:47:06 +0100

On Sat, Mar 1, 2008 at 7:16 AM, Gabe Wong <> wrote:
> wrote:
> > Hi *,
> > I can't decide which virtualization is better (xen or openvz) for running Glassfish. I had hosting for both.

If you buy it, XEN is better: resources are dedicated.
If you provide it, openVZ is better: you can share the resources more
efficiently, thus run multiple times as many guests.

> >
> > XEN - 512RAM and 20GB
> > Glassfish was installed started with - Xmx512m. Also mysql is running there.
> >
> > OPENVZ - 900RAM and 90GB

OpenVZ allows fine grained tuning of resource limits. "900RAM" is not
descriptive enough.
Take a look at your /proc/userbeancounters file from inside your guest system.

> > Glassfish was started with -Xmx320m. When I tried to increase the size to -Xmx512m memory error is thrown.

Save the /proc/userbeancounters file after such an incident.
If you can't figure it out yourself [1], attach it when asking for
help on the OpenVZ forum.

> You have to remember, in a VPS, memory is also needed for bootstrapping
> the VPS as well as for other services, just as in a real system.

With Xen, the overhead includes a kernel.
In OpenVZ, only everything else.

Won't any hosting provider lease you a single GlassFish domain?


Gabor Szokoli