Re: classpath for appclient

From: Ron Shacham <>
Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2008 17:00:38 -0500

Thank you; it is working.


rdblaha1 wrote:
> Ron Shacham-3 wrote:
>> I am running a jar file using appclient on Windows and I am getting a
>> NoClassDefFoundError for external classes.
> I have found for myself using Netbeans or ant to build my appclient that the
> MANIFEST.MF may require a Classpath: line in it that gives the path to a
> 'lib' directory having your jar files in it. (NOTE: The
> META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file is the one usually that requires the change.)
> For example:
> Class-Path: lib/appframework-1.0.3.jar lib/swing-worker-1.1.jar lib/j2ee.jar
> lib/jsdk.jar