EJB Client wont connect - while ear works

From: <>
Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2008 02:03:46 PST


I'm quite a newbie with JavaEE so you'll hear a few - perhaps silly questions from me ;-)

I'm developing a little EJB-Application, so I created (in Netbeans) an "Enterprise Application Project". after that I created the EJB's an wrote the client.

When I Run the Enterprise-Application Project all runs fine.
When I Run the Application-Client Project I get the following error-message:

Class [ Lbeans/LagerverwaltungRemote; ] not found. Error while loading [ class praktikum1.Main ]
Error in annotation processing: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Lbeans/LagerverwaltungRemote;
deployed with moduleid = Praktikum1-app-client

and the Client wont connect to the Session-Bean :-(

Can someone help me?

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