Re: Synchronisation Issues

From: Nicholas Irving <>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2008 13:31:58 +1100

I thought as much. As I have tried doing the same via Windows (not vm) and I
could start and stp to my hearts content and not see this issue.

here is what I am doing.

   1. Installing a server version of CentOS 5.1 via VMWare Workstaion
   6.0.0 build-45731 and ISO from
   2. Standard VM setup, using RedHat Enterprise 5 as the base GOS and
   CDRom configured to use above ISO.
   3. When prompted choose English and click Ok
   4. When prompted choose us and click OK
   5. When prompted choose HTTP and click OK
   6. When prompted disable Enable IPv6 support and select Manual
   configuration for IPv4 and click OK
   7. When prompted provide the following information
   IPv4 address: x.x.x.x /
   Gateway: x.x.x.x
   Name Server: x.x.x.x
   and click OK
   8. When prompted provide the following information
   directory: /linux/CentOS/5.1/os/i386/
   and click OK
   9. Wait for the GUI to start.
   10. Press the Next button.
   11. When prompted to initialize the drive press the Yes button.
   12. Press the Next button.
   13. When prompted press the Yes button.
   14. Change the hostname to deki.nirving.local and press the Next
   15. Select Australia/Melbourne and press the Next button.
   16. When prompted provide the following
   Root Password: password
   Confirm: Password
   and press the next button
   17. Select Server and Packages from CentOS Extras and press the Next
   18. Press the Next button to begin the installation process.
   19. Wait for the installation to reboot.
   20. We need to disable the firewall, by selecting the Firewall
   configuration and pressing the Run Tool button.
   21. When prompted select the following
   Security Level: Disabled
   SELinux: Disabled
   press the OK button
   22. Press the Exit button.

When completed restart the VM and we will add JDK1.5.0.14

   1. issue the following command via SSH to get the necessary library.
   yum –y install rpm-build.i386
   yum -y install
   2. Download from
   3. change directory to /root/java
   cd /root/java
   4. Download the following files
   5. Change directory to /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i586/
   cd /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i586/
   6. Install
   rpm -Uvh java-1.5.0-sun-
   rpm -Uvh java-1.5.0-sun-devel-

Next download and install Glassfish 2UR1

   1. Download GlassFish v2 from
   2. change directory to /opt/
   cd /opt/
   3. Start the installation wizard
   java -Xmx256m -jar glassfish-installer-v2ur1-b09d-linux.jar
   4. Change directory to /root/wiki/glassfish
   cd /opt/glassfish
   5. Start the GlassFish configuration
   chmod -R +x lib/ant/bin
   lib/ant/bin/ant -f setup-cluster.xml
   6. Start the domain
   /opt/glassfish/bin/asadmin start-domain
   7. Confirm it has started by going to
   8. Create a node agent
   /opt/glassfish/bin/asadmin create-node-agent nodeagent1
   9. Create a new instance
   /opt/glassfish/bin/asadmin create-instance --user admin --passwordfile
   /opt/glassfish/passwords --host localhost --port 4848 --nodeagent nodeagent1

Add a large WAR such as xwiki (it is 36 meg in size) and you may find it
will not sync.

I hope this helps.

On 21/02/2008, <> wrote:
> Interesting. VMWare is the culprit :)
> This is something that we haven't tried. Everything is set up using the
> "same user account", right?
> I haven't seen this error (probably is very long time). So, please let me
> know the instructions and
> I will try to try it out (on a Mac OS).
> - Kedar
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