Running GlassFish with Apache httpd

From: Teresa Wheeler <>
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2008 10:49:54 -0700

In reference to blog:
Instead of connecting to apache and sending certain types of requests to GlassFish, is it possible to connect to Glassfish and send certain types of requests to apache? Since we will be using Glassfish as the server for our main java netbeans projects, we'd also like to use it to host our subversion (svn) repositories. However, as far as I can tell, subversion is built to work only with apache httpd or it's own server svnserve. Since Glassfish is running with Apache httpd, it should therefore be possible to use it as a server for subversion, correct? In testing locally, I believe I got the above setup working correctly. I can connect to my repository by adding the below code to the httpd.conf file: DAV svn SVNPath D:/svn_repo/repos In netbeans, I can access the repository through: http://localhost/repos/ or using http://my ip address/repos. Does this mean I am accessing the repository strictly through Apache and not glassfish? Is there a way of viewing logs in glassfish to see if a connection has been made? I really appreciate any help/suggestions! Thanks!!