GlassFish-related activities at Moscone (SF) the Sunday before JavaOne

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2008 09:28:48 -0800

JavaOne this year is Tue-Fri, May 6-9, at the Moscone Center, in San

CommunityOne is that Monday, and will have some GlassFish Content.

We will have access to one of the rooms at The Moscone the day before,
Sunday, and we are beginning to plan meetings for that day.

*Ideas* might range from technical workshops on how to build GFv3
services, to hands-on advice from technical leads, to partner programs,
to what-have-you.

We will start a thread on this at the advocacy alias this next week
(Monday is President's day in the US and many people are taking also
Tuesday off).

In the meantime, if you are interested in any of these topics, you may
want to plan to arrive to SanFrancisco Saturday so you can attend the
Sunday events.

        - eduard/o