2 Web services in same package

From: Dru Devore <>
Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2008 11:48:29 -0700
I admit that I have not read the spec and I don't have time right now to do it so I wanted to ask the question and I hope someone here can answer it.

I have 2 related web services both coming from a database through EJB3 with a session bean, I know that doesn't matter but I wanted to give the info anyway. I created the web services through netbeans with the classes in the same package and deployed to Glassfish 2. I worked on a problem with the services for a couple of days through the simple test page. I finally found noticed that the test pages were coming up with the wrong objects. For instance service A should use object X and service B should use object Y but the test pages were showing this
service A with object X when service B would show object X
Service A with object Y when service B would show object Y

Basically both services wanted to return the same object

What I am wondering is if there is something in the spec that restricts services from using the same paths? To say it another way. Is it enough to have the Service name unique or does the path to the service have to be unique?

Dru Devore