Clustering and Configuring AccessLogging

From: <>
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2008 14:01:01 PST

My project is in the throes of being clustered. I am trying to configure access logging to work the same as it does as a single instance, but it's not working as expected.

In the admin tool, when I go to httpservice to configure the access log rotation, I want it to append the server_access_log with yyyy-MM-dd. In the past, this configuration would result in a file named, for example, server_access_log.2008-02-15.txt.

Under clustering, the result of changing the suffix on the rotation log is a file named server_access_log.

The funny thing is that I can accept the default with the long format and that sort of works, although it doesn't append it in the way it should. So, if the default rotation suffix is ...yyyyMMdd-HH'h'mm'm'ss's',
The access log is rotated as server_access_log20080215-18h15m03s, which is also not as expected because it should be in the form, server_access_log.2008...03s.txt.

This is bothersome because I have a perl script reading the log, and I already have to use sed to reformat some of the content on the fly.

The documentation seems to support that something is amiss here --
"To configure the HTTP Service Access Log

Use this page to enable and configure rotation for the access logs for the virtual servers. These logs are in the domain_root_dir/domain_dir/logs/access directory and are named as follows: virtual_server_name_access_log.yyyy-mm-dd.txt"
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