Re: Suggestion of Torrent based Downloads

From: Christopher Frost <>
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2008 01:26:51 -0500

On Thursday 07 February 2008 01:07:21 am Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart wrote:
> I thought it was not possible to track downloads via bittorrent, am I
> mistaken?

You are correct, if a tracker is put in place, it is easy to track downloads.
I'd have to do more research on whether you can track downloads on DHT
torrents. But, a few of us were testing a few minutes ago, and found out that
with "just" DHT, interoperability between torrent clients becomes an issue.
Therefore a tracker would be necessary, meaning all downloads would be
tracked. :-)

> As you say, we would like to track donwloads for adoption metrics - both
> in time and in geography. We are starting to track also Update Center
> pings, and that will give us another mechanism to track adoption, but
> that is just starting to phase in.
> As GlassFish stats showing in more distros (OpenSolaris, Ubuntu, Other
> Linux, etc) we will not be able to rely only on our download statistics,
> so BitTorrent is just the beginning.
Some of the good things about torrents is you have a failsafe if you need to
take a server down, or if the server takes itself down. Data loss and
corruption also isn't a problem since the torrents check themselves for
integrity. Which is a really nice thing to have, and easy for users who don't
know about md5 utilities and such. Even more so, like java, there is pretty
much a torrent client for every system.
> Although, in a sense, this will be a case of "a good problem to have" :-)
> - eduard/o
> Christopher Frost wrote:
> > Good Evening/Morning,
> > Noticing all the troubles lately with the download servers, etc.. I
> > also brought up the idea about hosting torrents to ease the load on the
> > servers, and the admins.
> > I'd offer to set consolidate the torrents for all the downloads if you
> > guys would like, just I'd need some people to help with the seeding
> > initially, since I don't exactly have endless bandwidth here. The
> > torrents themselves, or a tracker should be fine if needed.
> > The reason I am asking first, is to see what the glassfish dev's and
> > community wanted to do about it. I had a feeling that you might want to
> > track the downloads, etc.. for research purposes.
> > Please feel free to leave comments.. I am also in #glassfish on
> > as "FrostCS" .
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Christopher Frost