Suggestion of Torrent based Downloads

From: Christopher Frost <>
Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2008 22:47:35 -0500

Good Evening/Morning,
        Noticing all the troubles lately with the download servers, etc.. I also
brought up the idea about hosting torrents to ease the load on the servers,
and the admins.
        I'd offer to set consolidate the torrents for all the downloads if you guys
would like, just I'd need some people to help with the seeding initially,
since I don't exactly have endless bandwidth here. The torrents themselves,
or a tracker should be fine if needed.
        The reason I am asking first, is to see what the glassfish dev's and
community wanted to do about it. I had a feeling that you might want to track
the downloads, etc.. for research purposes.
        Please feel free to leave comments.. I am also in #glassfish on
as "FrostCS" .
Christopher Frost