Re: How I can restart a single web application in glassfish?

From: Wolfram Rittmeyer <>
Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2008 22:16:51 +0100

Legolas wood wrote:
> Hi
> Thank you for reply.
> does it unload and re-load the application?
> I want to change a configuration file in my hard disk and see the effect
> in the application.
> a servlet which initialize automatically will read the file and create a
> singletone configuration class.
> Disable-eabling the application does not make the singletone to die?
> does it?

I think you should consider a redeployment. Which simply is a deployment
with the force option:

asadmin deploydir --force=true --virtualservers server --contextroot
whatever --name whatever /home/username/projects/whatever/build/web/

The web-based admin console offers a "redploy" button. But you must be
careful with this option. If - for example - you are using this app on
only a subset of your defined virtual-servers the redeploy via
admin-console deploys it on all virtual-servers. I strongly recommend
using asadmin for this purpose.


Wolfram Rittmeyer

> Thanks
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> you can disable and enable each app on its own. Using asadmin:
>> asadmin disable appname
>> asadmin enable appname
>> Or you could use the web-based admin console where you can also enable and disable apps as you wish.
>> Regards,
>> Wolfram Rittmeyer
>>> Hi
>>> Thank you for reading my post.
>>> Is there any way to restart a web application which is deployed inside the glassfish 2 ?
>>> I mean stop the application and start it again, in a way that all initilization servelet load again.
>>> Thanks
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