Re: V3 Features

From: w.rittmeyer <>
Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2008 15:33:46 +0100

Julien Ponge wrote:
> Hi,
>> -> Make the ports configurable (at least 8080 since this might already
>> be in use in multi-container developer environments)
>> -> Ask for an admin user name and password (with the usual defaults preset)
> The thing is that the GlassFish initial setup script creates a
> 'domain1' domain by default (which is not a bad idea IMHO). Do you
> mean that you'd like to see the possibility to have another domain
> created?

If in a normal setup "ant -f setup.xml" is executed an initial domain is
created. I agree with you that this should not be changed. But I want to
be able to change how this domain is created - or to be more specific,
which properties should be used to create the domain.

Right now the initial domain is created using properties that are
defined in setup.xml:

      46 <property name="" value="domain1"/>
      47 <property name="" value="server"/>
      48 <property name="admin.user" value="admin"/>
      49 <property name="admin.password" value="adminadmin"/>
      50 <property name="admin.port" value="4848"/>
      51 <property name="instance.port" value="8080"/>
      52 <property name="orb.port" value="3700"/>
      53 <property name="imq.port" value="7676"/>
      54 <property name="https.port" value="8181"/>

I guess the izPack installer uses the normal "ant -f setup.xml" command
to install the domain and extract the pack200 files.

So assuming you had asked for the instance-port value and for the
admin-pwd and admin-user you could start the command as

ant -Dadmin.user=${user} -Dadmin.password${password}
-Dinstance.port=${port} -f setup.xml

where ${user} and so on are replaced by the values the user entered.

Properties set on the command line via -D get preference over properties
in the build-file.

So it would be pretty easy to change the default settings - if you
actually use ant.

>> BTW: Does izPack support headless installations?
> We are a bit weak there... you can run an installation once in GUI
> mode, have an automated script be generated for you and then you can
> run as many installers in headless / automated mode from this script.

This seems to be a problem. Headless installs are pretty common
requirement. So the classic way should remain to be available in v3.

Put another way: My whish for Glassfish v3 would be to have the same
options as they exist for Tomcat and JBoss nowadays: Provide a graphical
installer (and izPack is obviously a good choice for that) and provide a
tar.gz/zip file which is platform independent. For GF there might even
exist a third version without a preconfigured domain - but this might
cause confusion.


Wolfram Rittmeyer