Re: Connector Technology - Problem creating MDB

From: Dies Koper <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2008 10:51:52 +0900

As far as I know the mappedName attribute of @MessageDriven is only used
to specify the JMS destination name.
In your case, you need to create a sun-ejb-jar.xml and link your MDB to
your connector by specifying the connector's name in the
<resource-adapter-mid> tag.
Check the Admin Console to find your connector's name (default is based
on the module name, not on your Admin Object resouce). wrote:
> Hello to everyone,
> after implementing 14 interfaces of javax.resource.spi and
> javax.resource.cci I created rar file for my Resource Adapter and
> deployed it successfully. In the glassfish I created 3 resources:
> Connector connection pool, connector resource, and Admin object
> resource. In my EJB project (a separate project) I'm trying to create
> message driven bean to listen to my Admin object resource as follows:
> @MessageDriven(mappedName = "AdminObjectResource") public class
> EISListener implements MessageListener{...}
> but I get the following exception, when deploying the EJB project:
> creating message-driven bean container:
> com.sun.enterprise.connectors.ConnectorRuntimeException: Could not
> find physical destination : null
> I really don't have any idea how to face this problem. I would be
> more then happy to get any suggestion how to handle this problem, or
> any idea that you think can help
> Thank you very much [Message sent by forum member 'meirwinston'
> (meirwinston)]
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